- June 17, 2011 Letter to PHAs - Letter from Secretary Donovan and Assistant Secretary Henriquez regarding re-entry of ex-offenders
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between HUD and FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
- June 6, 2002 Letter to PHA Directors - HUD vs. Rucker decision
- February 5, 2002 Letter to PHAs and Directors of Public Housing - Time Extensions for Obligation and Expenditure of Capital Funds, Comprehensive Grant Funds and Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program Funds.
Papers and Reports
- Homeownership
- Housing Choice Vouchers
- Housing for Special Needs
- Indian Housing
- Public and Assisted Housing
- Fair Market Rents
- Family Data on Public and Indian Housing
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- A Picture of Subsidized Households
- Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas
Handbooks and Manuals
- PIH Program Handbooks
- HUD Handbooks, Forms and Publications Guide
- PIH Guidance on the Lead-Safe Housing Rule and Lead Disclosure Rule for Field Office Staff
Notices, Rules and Regulations
- The Resident - Public Housing Newsletter
- Public Housing Energy Conservation Clearinghouse Newsletter
- Asset Management Newsletter
- HCV Program Newsletter