Home / State Information / Tennessee / Knoxville Customer Service
Tennessee - Knoxville Customer Service

We Are At Your Service:
The HUD Knoxville Field Office serves the Eastern part of the State of Tennessee. We are available to serve you Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

We "Put People First" and we are here to serve you.

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HUD Basics: HUD funding goes to government agencies, housing organizations, nonprofits and private developers that have programs to help people where they live. HUD does not provide direct grants to families or individuals, or direct rental assistance to families and individuals. To inquire about or apply for the following types of assistance, please visit or call your local points of contacts provided below, or contact us and we will be glad to help refer you to the right agency.
Assistance Available [descriptions]: Quick Links/Phone Contacts:
Advice and Counseling in Tennessee: HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agencies provide advice and counseling on a variety of housing issues including: homeownership, avoiding foreclosure, rental opportunities, homelessness, reverse mortgages, etc. In most cases, their services are FREE or for a small charge. Call (800) 569-4287, then enter your 5 digit ZIP Code to locate the counseling agency nearest you or visit our website.

Avoiding Foreclosure - There are several programs to help you work with your lender to stay in your home or reach other terms to work out other solutions. Don’t delay. Here are some resources for you:

HOPE Now - A National alliance to help distressed homeowners keep their homes. (888) 995-HOPE (4673)

Making Home Affordable - a resource for loan modification/refinancing tools to help you stay in your home. (888) 995-HOPE (4673)

If you have an FHA-insured mortgage, contact the FHA Servicing/Loss Mitigation Center at (877) 622-8525 or contact our FHA Resource Center at (800) 225-5342 (press option 1). If you don't know whether you have an FHA-insured mortgage, contact your mortgage company and ask if it is an FHA-insured mortgage. They will be able to tell you what type of mortgage you have (e.g., FHA-insured, Fannie Mae, conventional, etc.).

Government Programs - Several other federal agencies provide housing and other types of services. Find out about other government assistance that you may qualify for by visiting: www.benefits.gov.

Grants from HUD - Although HUD does not provide grants directly to individuals, HUD does provide grants to governments, nonprofits, and other eligible grantees who administer various housing and community development programs that individuals may qualify for. To find out if you may qualify for assistance for homeownership assistance or assistance to have your home repaired/rehabilitated or other types of assistance, contact the following HUD grantees:

Community Development Block Grants

HOME Program

Section 8/Vouchers/Subsidized and Low-Rent Apartments

Rental help - information about housing choice vouchers (Section 8), subsidized apartments, low-rent apartments, and more

Public Housing programs in East and Middle Tennessee are handled by Knoxville Program Center:

KNOXVILLE Program Center
John J. Duncan Federal Building
710 Locust Street, Third Floor
Knoxville, TN 37902-2526

Director: William Biggs
Phone: (615) 515-8520
Fax: (615) 736-2385

Regional Public Housing Director
Tosha LeSure
(904) 208-1016

Homeless Programs - HUD has many programs available to help the homeless in Tennessee

HUD's Homeless Assistance page for Tennessee offers available resources.

Homeownership - HUD's FHA offers a variety of Single Family (1-4 units) mortgages to help you buy a home with little money down (about 3 ½ percent). Find out more by calling our FHA Resource Center/Atlanta Homeownership Center (HOC) - (800) 225-5342 and pressing option 3 and then 4; or, go online to find answers to your questions. HUD also provides grants to governments and nonprofits to provide homebuyer assistance, so be sure to visit our Learn About Homeownership page to find out if there is funding available and if you qualify.

HUD Homes for Sale - The sale of HUD homes has been contracted to various companies. You can find the contact information along with a listing of HUD homes for sale on the website. For additional information or assistance, HUD's Atlanta Homeownership Center (HOC) oversees the contracts on all HUD homes and you may contact our FHA Resource Center at (800) 225-5342 (press option 3 and then 2) to speak with a representative.

Working for HUD - If you would like a career with HUD or with the federal government, please visit www.usajobs.gov to look up job openings and apply for a position. All Federal jobs are posted on this website.

Jump to:
Advice and Counseling (HUD-approved)
Avoiding Foreclosure
Foreclosure (Avoiding Foreclosure)
Government Programs
Grants from HUD for Individuals
Homeless Programs
HUD Frequently Called Telephone Numbers
HUD Homes for Sale
Rental Help
Section 8
Subsidized Apartments
Working for HUD

Contact Us by Phone:
To reach our office, you may call us at (865) 545-4370You will be given an opportunity to leave a message and have your call returned.

HUD Frequently Called Telephone Numbers/Links:

Fair Housing/Discrimination (800) 440-8091
FHA Mortgage Servicing Center (877) 622-8525
Handbooks, Notices, Forms (800) 767-7468
HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agencies (800) 569-4287
HUD Homes for Sale (800) 225-5342 (Option 3 then 2)
HUD's Loss Mitigation (877) 622-8525
MIP Refunds (800) 697-6967
National FHA Servicing Center (877) 622-8525
NAID General Information (800) 225-5342
NOFA Info Center
(Notice of Funding Availability)
(800) 483-8929
Refunds (Mortgage Insurance Premiums) (800) 697-6967
RESPA Division (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) (855) 411-2372
Single Family FHA Resource Center (800) 225-5342
Single Family Lender Approval and Recertification (202) 708-3976

Knoxville HUD Employees Put People First
[Members of the Knoxville HUD Staff gather at the front steps of the John J. Duncan, Jr. Federal Building]
Members of the Knoxville HUD Staff gather at the front steps of the John J. Duncan, Jr. Federal Building, where the HUD Office is located in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee.

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